‘Puppy Eyes’ Didn’t Evolve Just for Humans, Study of Wild Dogs Finds

New research has challenged the widely held belief that domestic dogs evolved their expressive “puppy ...

10 Animals That Act Weirdly Human Sometimes

The animal kingdom is filled with creatures that display behaviors strikingly similar to those of ...

Revealing Egypt’s Pyramid Mystery: Ancient Nile Connection

The enigma of Egypt’s pyramids, particularly those clustered around Giza, has long baffled scholars and ...

World’s Oceans Have Gone ‘Crazy Haywire,’ Majority of Coral Reefs in Peril

The world’s oceans have reached unprecedented levels of warmth, endangering coral reefs across the globe. ...

Southern California Traffic Brought to Standstill After Bear Wanders Onto Freeway

Unusual Commute Disruption Commuters on a typically busy Southern California freeway were met with an ...